This site gives space to bits of things perhaps still sprouting, and some of the more unruly growth that was curtailed and cropped for publication. It’s a holding ground set back from institutional channels, and open to anyone who passes through.
‘The Extreme In-Between‘ in In-Between, M. Antonioli, F. Bulou Fezard and G. Rouvillois (dirs), Loco Editions, pp. 172-185
A General Practice, The Cahiers Series, n° 37, Sylph Editions, 2021
‘Métropolitain.e: Language in Compressed Spaces, AJFS, 2021, pp. 193-201
Co-author, The New Internationalists, with Sue Clayton, Goldsmiths/MIT, 2020
‘Le banc public : une infra-structure de/dans la migration’ in L’Objet de la migration, C. Alexandre-Garnier and A. Galitzine-Loupet (eds.), Presses universitaires de Nanterre, 2020, pp. 171-181
‘Accumulation versus Dispersion: Perec and “his” diaspora’ in Georges Perec’s Geographies, Ch. A. Leak and R. Philips (eds.), UCL Press, 2019, pp. 78-94
‘Sylvain George’s Minor Mode, or Cinema at the Margins of its Fragile Community’ in France in Flux, ed. A. Blatt and E. Welch (eds.), Liverpool University Press, 2019, pp. 92-112
‘Accueil inconditionnel. “Mobile People”’ in Vacarme 83, (2018), pp. 26-31
Co-editor and interview, L’ailleurs en temps de globalisation/Elsewhere in Times of Globalisation, with Ch. Forsdick and J.-M Moura, Revue critique de fixxion française contemporaine, (16), 2018
‘From Cultural Translation to Clinical Consultation. Working between languages, working between disciplines’ in Critical Multilingualism Studies, 5.1 (2017), pp. 7-31
75, Gallimard, 2016
‘Café Kaplan’ in Leslie Kaplan, ed. M. Hilsum (ed.), Classiques Garnier, 2016, pp. 113-127
Editor, The Cambridge Companion to the Literature of Paris, Cambridge University Press, 2013
‘Unsheltering Language’ in Francospheres, 1.1 (2012), pp. 69-96
Co-editor, May 68: Rethinking France’s Last Revolution, with Julian Jackson and James S. Williams, London: Palgrave/Macmillan, 2011
‘The Singular Banlieue’ in Esprit créateur, 50.3 (2010), pp. 53-69